Set up/updated since 12-06-2000. The GEIB started “INVASORAS” an electronic list on biological invasions in Spain within RedIris.
- To draw the attention of scientists and technicians to a problem of great concern for the conservation of biodiversity.
- To set up a network of experts and people interested in the problem.
- To foment the exchange of information and ideas on this subject.
- To act as a focal point by gathering the available information to search quick solutions to specific problems.
- To foment debates on specific problems and their solutions.
- To co-ordinate common actions and policies by fomenting the collaboration among different groups.
- To increase the information about the potential consequences of the introduction of allochthonous species that affects the biodiversity of the Iberian Peninsula.
- To inform subscribers about national and international conferences, workshops, courses on the subject.
- To set up: i) a first accessible database on invasive alien species of the Iberian Peninsula set up with the help of the information that subscribers could provide; ii) a database of summarised debates and conclusions; iii) a database of useful contact addresses.
- To maintain the database set up within the group updated along the time.
- To offer a tool for work-sharing among subscribers.
Who can subscribe to INVASORAS: all individuals of any nationality who are interested in the subject of the list. Spanish is the official language of the list.
How to subscribe to the list
To take part in INVASORAS is easy. You only need to subscribe by sending an e-mail without a subject to: with the message: “suscribe INVASORAS” (without quotation marks and writing INVASORAS in capital letters). RedIris will send you a message containing a short form to fill in that should be sent back to same e-mail address. You have only to wait for a message confirming you are accepted
Detailed instructions for using the list (subscribe, unsubscribe, options, etc.) are available at:
Subscription: open.
Sending of e-mails: restricted (members of the list only).
All subscriptions have to come through RedIris compulsorily. The policy of RedIris makes the GEIB turn down subscriptions that are sent straight to the group.